Aqueous Deficiency Dry eye is the inability to produce the volume and quality of tear to keep the surface of the eyes lubricated.
Another process where the tears are evaporating too quickly is called Evaporative Deficient Dry Eyes from unhealthy Meibomian glands not producing enough oil to keep the water layer of tear from drying out.
Blepharitis causes eyelids to be red, swollen and inflamed. It can be caused by parasitic mites, bacteria, or it can be complication of a skin condition such as:
Seborrhoeic dermatitis, which causes an itchy rash on the skin and scalp.
Rosacea, which causes the face to appear red and blotchy.
Factors that cause the progression of dry eye disease include computer/ digital device use, diet, age, contact lens wear, eyelid hygiene, tobacco use, vaping, and many others.
Meibography is a crucial diagnostic tool used to assess the health and functionality of your meibomian glands. These glands play a vital role in maintaining a healthy tear film and overall eye comfort. In the past, we could only detect the presence of dry eyes, but had a very difficult time assessing the root cause of the issue. Now we have Meibography technology that allows us to see below the surface of the eyelids like an X-ray and examine the Meibomian Oil Glands. We also have additional tests to determine the state of your tears as well as to identify patients that may otherwise be missed with other dry eye testing methods.
Helps your eyes look and feel better, naturally. Over 85% of dry eye originates from the eyelids.
Close the tiny opening (punctum) that you have in the inner corner of your eyelids to conserve both your own tears and artificial tears you may have added.
Designed to help retain moisture on the surface of the eye. The area between the scleral lens and the surface of the cornea is filled with saline solution.
Placed directly on the front of the eye, providing not only a nourishing and protective barrier to facilitate corneal health, but can also provide rejuvenating stem cell contributions to the cornea preventing future corneal damage due to dryness.
Extracting your own blood, centrifuging it, separating out the serum, and finally making eye drops of appropriate concentration. The serum contains growth factors, which have anti-inflammatory and healing effects.
Our doctors may prescribe you home therapy such as moisture retention eye mask, eyelid cleansing regiment, customized artificial tears, medication, and nutraceutical supplements.
There are several types of therapy that provide holistic solutions for dry eyes by treating disorder of the eyelids and inflamed blood vessels, the underlying cause of dry eye, through specific light wavelengths and radiofrequency energy.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is coherent light that targets extra blood vessels present on the skin and eyelids. This reduces the level of pro-inflammatory mediators as well as bacteria and Demodex mites, thus effectively removing major sources of inflammation around the eyes. IPL also improves the consistency of the meibomian glands and rejuvenates the glands that have begun to atrophy. It has also demonstrated beneficial effects on the ocular surface nerves.
Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) is a photobiomodulation technology that uses specific wavelengths of light to increase the ATP, nitric oxide, and reduces oxidative stress. LLLT uses light to promote cell repair, it directs at the meibomian glands, which leads to endogenous heating, thus prompting better oil flow from the gland.
Radio Frequency (RF) is a technique that stimulates collagen production by safely delivering high frequency currents to the surface of the skin. When RF is applied to the skin adjacent to the eyes, the heat melts the thick oil secretions clogging the meibomian glands. This enables improved oil flow into the tears. RF also helps to reduce inflammation around the eyes, which may be contributing to your eye condition.
It provides restoration of Meibomian Gland function by improving oil flow while clearing blockages and stabilizes tear film quality. While it reduces dry eye symptoms, it also stimulates collagen for improved eye appearance and skin texture. Cosmetically, it also removes sun spots and age spots.
Depending on the severity of your dry eye symptoms, 4 or more treatments are usually recommended.
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